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Edible Packaging: Future of Food Industry

submitted on 12 November 2023 by

A Tasty Introduction

Oh, the wonders of the modern age! We have sent men to the moon, connected the world with invisible waves, and even managed to create meat in laboratories. But, my friends, the innovation train chugs ever onwards! Enter the realm of edible packaging, the future of food industry. That's right, the time has come for us to eat our containers as well as their contents!

A Feast of Innovation

Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I must clarify that the edible packaging I speak of does not refer to gnawing away at the cardboard box your pizza came in. No, this is much more sophisticated and practical. Picture a transparent edible film, made from natural ingredients like algae, seaweed or even milk protein, that can be used to wrap your sandwich or keep your cheese fresh. Imagine a world with no plastic waste, where the only "trash" left after a snack is a satisfied burp.But where does this magical invention come from? Have the gods bestowed upon us yet another gift for our mortal enjoyment? Nay, it is the result of restless human ingenuity and tireless scientific research. Companies and researchers around the globe are experimenting and developing these environmentally friendly and oh-so-delightful solutions to our ever-growing waste problem.

Showcasing the (Edible) Stars

Allow me to introduce you to some of the most delectable and promising examples of edible packaging:
  • WikiPearls: Developed by Harvard professor David Edwards, these delightful orbs encase various foods and beverages like yogurt, ice cream, and even water in a natural and edible skin. They are like the offspring of a grape and a water balloon! Just pop one in your mouth, and let the flavor explosion commence.
  • Loliware: Fruit leather was but a mere appetizer for the brilliance that is Loliware. This company has created edible cups made from seaweed, organic sweeteners, and fruit, with a variety of flavors to match your drink of choice. Say goodbye to those red plastic cups and hello to a future of guilt-free partying.
  • Apeel Sciences: This California-based startup has developed a plant-derived coating that can be applied to produce, effectively doubling or even tripling their shelf life. Hypothetically, you could have your avocado and eat it too – without worrying that it will turn into an overripe mess in the blink of an eye.
  • Ooho!: A sip of water encapsulated in a tasteless, plant-based membrane that can be swallowed whole or bitten into for a refreshing burst. It's like drinking from nature's own water droplets and disposing of the container in the most satisfying way – by eating it!

Chewing the Challenges

As tantalizing as these edible innovations may be, there are still a few hurdles to overcome. For starters, many people are understandably concerned about hygiene – after all, how many hands have touched that plastic bottle before you take a swig? However, the same could be said about an apple at the grocery store, and that doesn't stop us from enjoying a juicy bite. Applying an additional, biodegradable wrapper or using edible coatings with antimicrobial properties could help ease those concerns.Another issue is the cost of production. As with any new technology, edible packaging is currently more expensive than its plastic counterparts. But, given the chance and a bit of time for the market to mature, large-scale production and economies of scale could bring the costs down to a more palatable level.

Feeding the Future of Food Packaging

Edible packaging presents a world of possibilities for both the food industry and consumers alike. Beyond the obvious environmental benefits, this innovation could also help reduce food waste by extending shelf life and improving the overall sensory experience of our meals. Who wouldn't love a world where you can have an ice-cold drink, eat the container, and leave no trace behind?So, my friends, let us raise a toast (preferably in an edible cup) to the bright and flavorful future of edible packaging. As we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible, perhaps one day we'll find ourselves eating our way through a smorgasbord of eco-friendly containers, wrappers, and coatings. Until then, we can take solace in the progress being made and look forward to a tastier, more sustainable tomorrow.
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